Feb. 1-12th

Hello Families, 


Here is an update on our learning over the past few weeks: 


Literacy: Grade 1’s have continued to write different stories with a beginning, middle and end. We are also working to improve our writing with the use of adjectives, or describing words. We are working hard to add detail to make our writing more interesting and help the reader picture it in their heads. 


Math: We have begun learning about 3D shapes. We are working hard to learn the names of different shapes and their different parts. Ask me what a facevertice, or edge of a 3D object is.  

 A student built a tower with their 3-D shapes. 


Social Studies: We are talking about families and how they are the same or different. Stay tuned for some exciting learning about families soon! 


Science: We are coming to the end of our Colour unit. We have spent some more time investigating the science words of transparent, opaque and translucent. We also have created some beautiful stained glass art. Is stained glass transparent, opaque or translucent? 

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Our art project turned out beautifully! 

Health: Mr. Huppie came into our classrooms to talk to us about checking in with our bodies and being mindful of where we’re at. Are we moving slowly or quickly? Are our bodies ready to learn? Mr. Huppie will continue to help us check in with our bodies over the next few weeks. We also have been talking about friendship. Ask me what makes a good friend. We will be using some of these ideas next week for some writing. 



  • -See you back at school Tuesday, February 16! 

  • -Stay nice and warm this weekend. Remember to bring mittens and a hat to school. 



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