April 27 - 30th

 Hello Families, 

 Here is an update on our learning here in Grade 1: 

Literacy:  We started a persuasive writing challenge! The Calgary Zoo is opening a new exhibit. It was our job to pick an amazing animal and convince the zoo to pick our animal. We are working hard to ensure we have strong reasons and details to make sure we are successful.  

Math: We finished our measurement learning and have moved into learning about equality! We began by asking: what does the equals sign mean? Some of our answers included: math, finding the answer to a math equation and addition. We will continue to explore this question as we go. We had lots of fun looking at balance scales to help us. We noticed that the pans on a balance would be level if the amount in each was the same, or equal. We are next applying this understanding to numbers.  eg. 2 + 1 = 0 + 3

Science: We have been amazing scientists! We have wrapped up our research and are now changing our jot notes into complete sentences. This is hard but important work. Putting information into our own words is something we will continue to do all through our school years! In addition to our science writing, we are working on our animal poster. We have been practicing sketching out our animals before doing our good copy illustrations. We can’t wait to show you once they’re done! 

Social Studies: We continue to explore the past by learning about the fur trade. We have had so much fun by acting out some of the events. We began by sailing the ocean from Europe to a new place to find new land and resources. The explorers did not know the name of this new land. The explorers then met the Indigenous people, who already lived there! The two groups could not speak the same language but established trade and made friendships. Ask your child what happens next! 

On Friday, we also had a presentation or ceremony about the buffalo or bison. Mr. Huppie taught us some more about the buffalo and we had a smudge too! 



  • Although the weather is getting warmer, temperatures still tend to be cooler in the mornings and often unpredictable throughout the day. Please continue to send a jacket to school with your child. 
  • CNGReads is every Wednesday at 7 pm. Tune in for some great stories 😊  
  • Please continue to send the Tuesday folder and home reading with your child each and every Tuesday. 




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