May 31 - June 4

 Hello Families, 

Wow! We can’t believe it’s already June. Here is some of our learning from this week: 

Literacy: We are continuing to implement the skills of good writers to be ready for Grade 2. These include periods at the ends of our sentences, capital letters for names and at the start of sentences, referencing our word walls and personal dictionaries, sounding out words and adding juicy describing words.  

Math: We are challenging our math brains this week! We are adding and subtracting with bigger and bigger numbers. We are using rods and cubes and hundreds charts to try adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers like 34 – 12 and 47 – 15. We are so ready for Grade 2 math! 

Science: We have finished researching our plants and have shared what we have learned by turning our jot notes into complete sentences and creating a poster to represent our learning. We are also so excited to be germinating seeds within our classrooms. Ask me what seeds we are germinating. We have observed some very cool things happening to our seeds and have noticed changes happening daily! 

Social Studies: We continue to practice point of view by filling in talking and thinking bubbles around the fur trade. 



  • If weather permits, please expect your child to be eating lunch outdoors for  the remainder of the school year.  
  • CNGReads is every Wednesday at 7 pm. Tune in for some great stories 😊  
  • Please continue to send the Tuesday folder and home reading with your child each and every Tuesday. 


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